Sound Metrics ARIS VOYAGER 3000

Identification Frequency:  3.0 MHz
Detection Frequency:  1.8 MHz
Depth Rating:  4000m


Discover what lies beneath with the latest innovation of DIDSON technology: the ARIS Voyager 3000. Pressure rated to 4000 meters, the Voyager is encased in a corrosion resistant, titanium shell, which is suitable for deep sea exploration. With 128 distinct physical beams operating up to 3.0 MHz, the ARIS Voyager 3000 can provide higher resolution than any other imaging sonar in its class with unprecedented image clarity, even in zero visibility waters of the Bathyal Zone. The Voyager offers a dual frequency and dynamic focus with multiple recording and output options, as well as filters, which include background subtraction. The ARIS Voyager opens up exciting new possibilities of underwater discovery

Technical information

See datasheet for more information




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